Endo (Root Canal)
the tooth, the pulp's soft tissue contains the blood supply, by which
the tooth gets its nutrients, and the nerve, by which the tooth senses
hot and cold. If a tooth becomes diseased or injured, bacteria build up
inside the pulp, spreading infection from the natural crown of the tooth
to the root tips in the jawbone. Pus accumulates at the ends of the
roots, forming a painful abscess which can damage the bone supporting
the teeth. Severe pain is very common, constant, or throbbing, as well
as prolonged sensitivity to heat or cold, the surrounding gums will also
be affected. In some cases the pullp dies and hiddes the pain
Local anesthesia is required to perform root canal. After the tooth
is isolated by a thin sheet of rubber, the rest of the tooth decay is
removed following the opening is placed in the mouth to isolate the
tooth . The dentist removes any tooth decay and makes an opening through
the natural crown of the tooth into the pulp chamber.
Length of the root canals is determined usually with a series of x
rays.The entire canal space is carefully cleaned of diseased pulp tissue
and bacteria. After abundant irrrigation with water the canals are
resized to recieve filling material. Antibiotics have to be prescribed
to heal the existing infection and prevent its spread. root canal
treatment may require several visits to the dentist.
After being completely clean, the canals are filled sealed cement
to prevent bacteria from entering the tooth in the future. A metal post
may be placed in the pulp chamber for added structural support and
better retention of the crown restoration. The tooth is protected by a
temporary filling or crown until a permanent restoration may be made.
This restoration is usually a gold or porcelain crown.